First, just like children, dogs don't know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in life. Notice I didn't write "right from wrong" ... that's because dogs don't understand right from wrong but they do understand what works and what doesn't. Teaching a dog what is acceptable and what is not takes time and A LOT OF PATIENCE. Most people work all day, when they get home they are tired and training their dog is probably one of the last things on their mind. So the dog doesn't act in an "acceptable" manner and owners get upset at their dogs. Doesn't sound very fair does it?
Dogs learn two ways; by association and consequence. Consequences can be good or bad. You tell the dog to sit, the dog sits, the dog gets a treat ... good consequence. The dog chases a bee, the bee stings the dog ... bad consequence. Those are simple examples, however, it is actually much more complicated than that.
Owners may not realize it, but they unintentionally provide a bad consequence to their dogs everyday for what the owners think are good. Think of this, you are at the dog park with your dog, you call the dog to come, the dog comes (this is acceptable to you), you clip the leash on the dog. WHAT??? You actually just punished your dog by taking away his fun and freedom. Next time you call your dog to come, do you think she will come again knowing the consequence? This leads to all kind of other issues we won't discuss here. Dog owners also unintentionally reward their dogs for unwanted behavior. Without clear communication, dogs can get confused and then everyone gets frustrated.
My point is that, professional dog trainers understand how to train dogs in such a way that good consequences come when the dog does good things and not-so-good consequences come when the dog does not-so-good things. No trainer should ever inflict pain on your dog!!
There are 2 options I offer for training:
If you are interested in training for your dog, making your life easier and making you and your dog happier, send me a message, email me at hello@southcoastdog.com, or call me at 774-520-3647 (DOGS) .
I look forward to hearing from you!
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Southcoast Dog Training & Care, Inc. is an AKC Approved Canine Good Citizen Evaluator.
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