By Sandy McConnell
August 4, 2018
SOCIALIZE, SOCIALIZE, SOCIALIZE! Socialization is probably one of the most overlooked part of having a dog. Having a well-socialized pup is more important than having a well-trained pup, although you can have both . By socialization, I am not only referring to your pup being around other dogs of different sizes and shapes, but also around other animals and a variety of people such as, kids, adults, those with facial hair, wearing hats, sunglasses, or hoodies, carrying handbags or wearing a backpack. Every one of these scenarios is a novel experience for your pup. The more they experience and are ok with at a younger age, the better they will be as they get older. Socialization is most important in the first 16 weeks of a puppy’s life and it will set the stage for their temperament going forward. However, they are not fully vaccinated until they are 16 weeks, therefore there is a risk of transmission of disease. The fact is, the risk of a dog dying because of infection is much less than the greater risk of a dog ending up in a shelter and being euthanized because of a behavioral problem. Training, socialization, and vaccinations should go together in a program to protect the lives of dogs and improve the relationships with other animals and people.